
Metamorphosis II by Vladimir Kush

Happy New Year! I hope y’all have enjoyed the holiday season and have been able to spend time with your loved ones.

I visited London, England over the holidays for the second time (you can read about my first time here), and came back from the experience in good spirits, after enough spirits, events, family, and sights seen. My gratitude to my Sister is beyond words; she truly is the best hostess. Here are some photos from the trip. [1]

The New Year will be bringing in some new changes to this website, and leaving out some old ones. Firstly, I will stop posting quote compilations every month, as I have been doing for over three years now. I will continue doing so in a private capacity, as there are still a lot of essential benefits I gain from it.

In order not to lose these benefits for you, the reader, I will be reformulating the format in which I talk about these books into a newsletter. Instead of posting singular quotes from seemingly unconnected books I will be focusing on a few books in a similar field each month, and give a more in depth review for each one, each time.

More details will follow soon; the project is still in its initial stages. You will be able to receive these book reviews through an email newsletter. The link will show up on another post once the project is setup.


How I Fell in Love with Reading


Halloween Quote Special - “Guillermo del Toro: At Home With Monsters” At AGO